Customized Safety Program

The Safety Program is a core program that sets out your company’s safety policies & procedures. Our safety professionals will work with you to identify your safety program needs in order to create your own customized plan that includes your policies and procedures which meets OSHA safety standards based upon your risk exposures.

This Safety Program is customized with Your Company Name on the cover, and includes:

   General Safety and Health Program
   Occupational Health and Environmental Controls
   Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
   Cranes, Rigging, and Suspended Platforms
   Fall Protection
   Fire Protection & Prevention Program
   Painting & Paint Removal Equipment
   Respiratory Program
   Scaffolding & Ladder Program

The purpose of the Safety Program is to prevent and reduce injuries in the workplace. The goal of the program is to improve and promote safety and health in the workplace and reduce the costs associated with the treatment of those injuries through proper management and employee involvement in your safety program.

Physical Printed & Digital versions available.

*Not available in California