5 Ways Builders Can Leverage Social Media

5 Ways Builders Can Leverage Social Media

Social media

Social media use skyrocketed in 2020 due to the pandemic and everyone’s need to stay connected while not meeting in person. With this increased use, contractors need to ensure that they have a presence on social media so they can reach potential customers. But it’s not just about opening an account and waiting for the leads to roll in; you have to engage with your customers and provide quality information.

With that in mind, here are five tips to help you leverage social media in your marketing:

1. Choose the right platform

You have to go where your potential clients are. This is good news, since it means you don’t have to have a presence on every platform. It’s best to start with one or two, and once you get the hang of them, you can branch out from there. Scheduling software makes it easier to post on multiple platforms at the same time and keep track of your content.

For the most part, if you are targeting residential customers you’ll want to be on Facebook, Instagram, and possibly Pinterest. These are the most popular platforms for individuals, and Pinterest is a great place for homeowners and designers to share home design ideas.

For commercial contractors LinkedIn and Twitter are your best bets. LinkedIn is a professional networking site, where most companies have a presence and advertise their services. Twitter is also a good place to attract commercial clients.

2. Use branding to create a consistent look

Branding is about more than just your logo. It’s about the overall look of your company and the tone of your content, whether online or printed. When setting up social media accounts, use the same look and feel for each one so potential customers recognize you.

There are many parts to a brand. Here are a few to think about:

  • the banner or background on your social media profile
  • your logo or photo
  • the colors used in your logo and website
  • the voice of your content (casual, professional, fun, etc.)
  • the message you send about your company with your content
  • clothing (shirts, hats, jackets, etc.)

3. Post content regularly

The most important thing you can do to leverage your social media presence is to post content regularly on the platforms you’re on. You don’t have to set a schedule or post every day. Do it when you can or when you have something important to say. The key is to do it consistently.

There are tools you can use to help you send consistent content. The first one is a content calendar. This allows you to plan what you’re going to post ahead of time. Look at special dates you want to highlight, like groundbreaking, project completion, community events, open houses, etc. Use these dates to plan your content and build excitement before each event. Use calendar reminders so you don’t forget to post when it’s time or preprogram them into social media scheduling software.

What to post? Videos and photos are the best way for contractors to show their work. Videos have gained in popularity over the past year and half, and research shows that they lead to sales. They allow you to portray your company in new ways that capture and hold the viewer’s attention. Some of the most popular construction videos involve demolition. They don’t have to be long, and they don’t have to be professionally produced. Grab your phone, shoot a short video, and upload it.

4. Share your profiles and connect

If you aren’t connected to people on your social media platforms, there’s no way they’ll see your content. You need to gather followers, friends, and connections. First connect with friends, family, and your immediate network of contacts. Then, when you attend networking events or meet someone new, connect with them on social media. These days it’s also acceptable to search for people on social media and request connections, especially on LinkedIn. You can search LinkedIn for people in certain positions or titles, as well as target contacts in a specific company or location.

You also want to share your profiles with visitors to your website and those you communicate with. Create links to your profiles on your website so visitors can connect with you that way. Also include your profiles in your email signature, so they can immediately connect with you.

5. Advertise

Almost all social media platforms allow you to advertise your services or boost your posts, so they get seen by a larger audience. This can be a good investment if you target the right audience. The first step is to choose the right social media platform to advertise in. Focus on the platforms where your potential customers hang out (see number one above). This will help ensure that you run a successful campaign.

When setting up your advertising, make sure you target the right demographics. If you haven’t developed your ideal customer persona, now is the time to put one together. A persona is a profile you create by gathering information about your ideal clients. It should include ages, professions, income levels, family situation, etc. and be as detailed as possible. You can also narrow your reach to just a certain geographic location, so you aren’t advertising to those outside your service area.

When advertising on social media it’s best to set a budget and stick to it. You don’t want to overspend and not get results. Check your analytics to see what advertisements are working best on which platforms. You can also create unique landing pages on your website for each advertisement to track where visitors are coming from.

Keys to social media marketing

The keys to effective social media marketing are to choose the right platforms and create consistent, engaging content. Reach out to friends, family, and your contacts to connect on each platform. Then grow your audience through networking and connecting online. As readers engage with your content, your network will grow, and you’ll reach your ideal potential clients.

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