Oregon CCB 2024 Bond Minimums Increase – Learn the Facts

February 22, 2024

Picture of Cecilia De La Rosa

Cecilia De La Rosa

Recently, the State of Oregon announced a bond increase in the minimum amounts that the Construction Contractors Board (CCB) mandates for construction contractors within the state. This change, effective from January 1, 2024, is a component of broader legislative modifications designed to strengthen the regulatory framework overseeing Oregon’s construction industry.


Like many others, specific laws and regulations regulate the construction industry in Oregon to ensure contractors operate within established standards for safety, quality, and reliability. One such regulatory requirement is holding a surety bond, a form of financial assurance contractors provide to the state to protect consumers against incomplete work or non-compliance with contract terms. The recent legislative changes, encapsulated in Enrolled House Bill 2922, signal a noteworthy shift in these requirements.

Legal Insights: Navigating the New Regulations

Understanding and complying with the new bond requirements is crucial for contractors. To navigate these changes, familiarize yourself with the specific legal issues outlined in Enrolled House Bill 2922. Regular consultation with a legal professional specializing in construction law can offer invaluable insights and ensure your operations align with the new regulations. Additionally, leveraging legal resources, such as workshops, webinars, and guidance documents offered by the Construction Contractors Board (CCB) and legal associations, can provide clarity and support. Staying informed and proactive in legal compliance not only mitigates risk but also positions your business for continued success amidst regulatory changes.

Bond Increase Updates

The amendments to ORS 701.081 and related statutes outline a uniform bond increase amount across various categories of construction contractors. Specifically:

  • Residential general contractors will now need a surety bond of $25,000, up from $20,000.
  • Residential specialty contractors are required to hold a $20,000 bond, increased from $15,000.
  • Commercial general contractor level 1 and commercial specialty contractor level 1 bond amounts will increase to $80,000 and $55,000, respectively.

These adjustments reflect the state’s commitment to safeguarding the interests of consumers and ensuring that contractors are financially accountable for their obligations.

Impact on Contractors

The bond increase directly impacts the operating costs of contractors within Oregon. For many, this will necessitate reassessing their financial strategies and, potentially, their pricing models. The higher bond requirements underscore the importance of maintaining high work standards and adherence to contractual commitments, as the economic stakes for non-compliance have risen.

Bond Increase

Financial Implications for Small Businesses

The bond increase poses challenges for small construction firms in Oregon, demanding careful financial management. Strategies include finding competitive bond rates, adjusting pricing, and improving business practices to avoid claims. This highlights the importance of financial planning and innovation for small businesses to stay competitive.

How to Prepare Financially for the Bond Increase

To navigate the bond increase, contractors should prioritize financial preparation. Start by reviewing and adjusting your budget to accommodate the higher bond costs. Incorporate these expenses into your project quotes to ensure financial stability. Engage in comprehensive financial planning, considering long-term impacts on cash flow and exploring options for more favorable bond rates. Additionally, consulting with a financial advisor familiar with the construction industry can provide tailored strategies to manage this change effectively. Staying proactive in financial management will help mitigate the impact of the bond increase on your business operations.

The increase in minimum bond amounts for Oregon contractors marks a significant milestone in the state’s efforts to fortify consumer protections within the construction industry. By understanding and preparing for these changes, contractors can ensure compliance while continuing to contribute positively to Oregon’s vibrant construction sector. This legislative update underscores the dynamic nature of the industry’s regulatory environment and the ongoing commitment to upholding high standards of practice.