Fall Safety Precautions

November 7, 2019

Picture of Cecilia De La Rosa

Cecilia De La Rosa

It’s fall and that means the weather can change fast. One day it’s in the 70’s and the next it’s in the low 40’s. This time of year, the sun starts to disappear faster and faster and trees are losing their leaves. Weather isn’t the only thing that changes. So does the way you do business and think about safety issues. Projects must continue to flow smoothly as cold, wet, windy weather settles in and workers have to expend more energy being conscious about safety issues. That means you have to ensure that construction safety and productivity remain at a top-level.  

Trees Lose Their Leaves

Trees are beautiful when they change colors. However, they can also be dangerous. When leaves get wet, they can become extremely slippery and you don’t want workers slipping and hurting their knees, elbows, back, or neck. It’s important to try and blow away leaves before and after rain showers so that they don’t become heavy and hard to manage. Additionally, cleaning leaves are important to ensure they don’t pile up, clog exhausts or jam equipment. Before using the equipment, it’s important to check each piece to ensure leaves are removed and the equipment functions as it is supposed to.  

Changing Weather

It’s important every day to know what the weather will likely be and plan accordingly. However, busy days happen and it’s never good to be caught unprepared. Always keep a pair of protective rain and snow gear with you at all times. You never know when you’re going to need it and you don’t want to be unprepared that one time you forgot to watch the day’s weather.  

Daylight Savings Time

Now that the clocks have changed, that means a change of work schedules or prepping ahead of time to ensure that visibility is maintained at all times. It may also be prudent to begin work earlier in the day and plan to leave sooner on outside jobs due to the loss of sunlight in the late afternoon or early evening.

Get Prepared Now for Winter Safety

Just like fall came quickly, so will winter. It won’t be long, and it will be cold and wintry. Mother Nature doesn’t always go by a calendar – so the winter weather could hit before winter actually begins. Instead of waiting it is advisable to prepare your worksite’s site now. Use this intermittent season as a prepping period. Consider making winter emergency kits. These kits should contain things such as blankets, flashlight, snow brush, ice scraper, as well as nutritious snacks and bottled water. It’s never too early to prepare now for what’s coming. Why wait to do later what you can do today!