March Is Ladder Safety Awareness Month

March 8, 2017

Picture of Cecilia De La Rosa

Cecilia De La Rosa

If you’ve never heard of “Ladder Safety Awareness Month”, there’s probably good reason for that: March of 2017 witnesses the inauguration of the annual campaign.

Recent reports state that there’s an average of over 300 ladder related fatalities per year, while many thousands of people sustain disabling injuries. Many of these injuries could have been prevented, had proper safety measures been enacted.

As a result of the large number of incidents, The American Ladder Institute (ALI) is introducing National Ladder Safety Month. The intent of this awareness campaign is to call attention to the importance of ladder safety training and accident prevention.

With the belief that ladder accidents can be prevented ALI has created a set of goals they hope can be accomplished by implementing the Awareness Month.

  • Increase the number of companies and individuals that inspect and properly dispose of old, damaged or obsolete ladders
  • Lower the rankings of ladder-related safety citations on OSHA’s yearly “Top 10 Citations List”
  • Decrease the number of ladder-related injuries and fatalities
  • Increase the number of ladder safety training certificates issued by ALI
  • Increase the number of competent ladder inspector trainers
At American Contractors Organization, we’ve created a variety of products that are specifically designed to help with ladder injury prevention. Our Fall Protection Program, Risk Solutions Center, Digital Safety Program, as well as ladder specific safety checklists, are all designed to train your employees and evaluate risks, including ladder fall prevention.

Take part in Ladder Safety Awareness Month by training your employees on proper ladder techniques.

Please feel free to Contact Us with questions, concerns, or for more information about our Membership Program.