3 Mistakes Contractors Make With Video Marketing

June 1, 2015

Picture of Cecilia De La Rosa

Cecilia De La Rosa

When done right, video can be a great marketing tool. A short 1-2 minute video can allow you to make a powerful first impression on your prospects.

However, most contractors make some common mistakes with video. So I’d like to highlight those mistakes and show you how to avoid them.

Mistake #1: Making videos too long

  • Don’t make a 5-minute video detailing everything there is to say about your company. Instead, aim for 1-2 minutes. Think: “Less but better.”
  • You could even make a super-short 30-second video that hits on a single element, like a success story or a unique offering.
  • Remember, people are busy. And when if they’re online they’re usually distracted and jumping from thing to thing. So they don’t want to sit and watch a long video.
  • They want something short and sweet. And if they aren’t captivated right away, you’ll lose them.

Mistake #2: Not promoting your video

  • Many contractors invest a lot of time and resources into producing videos but then don’t promote it!
  • And simply “posting it on Facebook” isn’t good enough. Sorry.

You should promote your video on your:

  • Website
  • Social media accounts
  • Email newsletter
  • Directory listings (if they allow that)
  • YouTube Channel

And if you want to throw some gasoline on the fire you could invest in some YouTube ads so your video gets seen even more. YouTube allows you to advertise to people based on where they live and the channels they’re subscribed to.

Mistake #3: Only showing yourself (not your customers)

Most marketing videos consist of the business owner talking about his or her company and why they’re so great. However, as you know, people are more likely to believe what others say about you more than what you say about you. Therefore, it’s worth it to get at least one of your satisfied customers to give you a video testimonial. And don’t worry about making it “professional.” Yes, the video and audio should be good quality but don’t worry about scripting it too much. People can sense when things are too scripted. They’re more likely to be impressed by a natural sounding testimonial in your customer’s own words. So whether you choose to do a series of customer testimonials, a montage of your best work, or a condensed presentation of a project from start to finish, make sure to avoid these common mistakes.