79 Social Media Post Ideas For Contractors

December 12, 2022

Picture of Cecilia De La Rosa

Cecilia De La Rosa

Depending on the size of your market and your audience, the experts say you should be posting to social media anywhere from once a week to once a day. Coming up with new and interesting post ideas can be a strain, so we’ve put together a list of 79 to get your imaginative juices flowing. We’ve tailored these ideas to contractors and others in the construction industry, but they can really be used by any business to spread the word about their offerings.

  1. Ask your customers what kind of content they prefer to see on your social pages, and then share the same.
  2. Share inspiring or motivational quotes
  3. Ask a simple question related to your business
  4. Share your achievements
  5. Share company blog posts
  6. Run a poll – favorite product/service, unrelated quirky topic
  7. Funny posts
  8. Posts/photos of your company – events, culture, team, etc.
  9. Industry statistics
  10. Behind the scene posts – how something is made or a process
  11. Re-share relevant content from someone else
  12. Recycle/refresh an old post
  13. Throwback Thursday
  14. Special offers for your customers and followers
  15. Videos – especially of demolition
  16. Share project photos – before/after
  17. Customer reviews
  18. Theme/Series of posts
  19. Tips, Advice, How-to
  20. Product/service photos
  21. Post a challenge
  22. Memes
  23. Share your brand stories or interesting facts about your business
  24. Ask for suggestions to improve products/services
  25. Holiday posts
  26. Explore Pinterest and share content
  27. Ask customers to share photos of their project
  28. Post Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
  29. Share a third-party resource
  30. Case studies
  31. Share cute things
  32. Create a product/service illustration – how it works
  33. Start your podcast
  34. Share a book recommendation
  35. Post a job
  36. Write about your favorite product/services
  37. An explainer image or collage
  38. Introduce new team members
  39. Re-share your most popular blog posts
  40. “This Day in History”
  41. Ask for random advice for a hypothetical situation
  42. Live videos
  43. Fun facts
  44. Show your brand doing good
  45. Motivational quotes
  46. Organize a photo contest
  47. Big holiday offers
  48. Success stories
  49. Show the people behind your brand
  50. Host a live discussion on Twitter chat
  51. YouTube videos
  52. Make use of trends
  53. How-to tutorials
  54. Industry news
  55. Use your hashtags
  56. Q&A Sessions
  57. Share region-specific posts
  58. Invite fans to join a company event
  59. Ask for predictions
  60. Like-if – ask followers to Like the post if they did or didn’t do something similar
  61. Create a video show or series
  62. Ask for questions
  63. Old content in a new version
  64. Post maintenance reminders
  65. Post about little-known holidays
  66. Conduct a survey
  67. Ask a ‘truth or myth’ question
  68. Share live updates of an event
  69. Share other profiles – suppliers or other contractors
  70. Organize an instant sale or giveaway
  71. Seasonal posts
  72. Industry research
  73. Post affiliate products/services
  74. Remember when
  75. Thank your fans
  76. Photo of the day
  77. Give a sneak peek of upcoming product/service, project, blog, etc.
  78. Original Content related to the Business
  79. Hold Interactive Sessions
If you’re looking for more leads for your business, join Directory for Contractors, an online resource for homeowners looking to renovate, remodel, or build.

List adapted from:
