Address Project Theft During National Crime Prevention Month

Address Project Theft During National Crime Prevention Month

Stop crime sign board

The National Crime Prevention Council and McGruff the Crime Dog remind you that October is National Crime Prevention Month. Crime, particularly theft and vandalism, is a real problem for construction companies.

Statistics show that the cost of construction site crime is between $300 million and $1 billion annually. Less than 25% of stolen construction materials are recovered. The most commonly stolen items are copper and other metals, lumber, hand tools, and heavy machinery.

Job sites are particularly vulnerable as they’re often not secure, so contractors and suppliers must take extra steps to ensure that their materials and tools are safe. Here’s some best practices to help prevent theft:

  • Monitor the arrival and departure of all employees. If something is stolen, you can then narrow down your suspect list to those who were on site at the time.
  • Use telematics to track vehicles and large machinery. Tracking them lets you know who is on the jobsite when and it can help pinpoint the exact location of the equipment if it is stolen.
  • Automate and track tool and equipment use. You need to know who checked out the equipment, where it is, and when it will be returned. Management can then know who is responsible for it.
  • Perform regular safety inspections of the jobsite to improve security and safety.
  • Provide adequate lighting and use cameras on site to monitor movement after hours.
  • Use software to report equipment or tool loss or damage in real time.

For more information on Crime Prevention Month, see the NCPC website.

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