Construction Contractors Take Preventative Measures During COVID-19 Pandemic

April 16, 2020

Picture of Cecilia De La Rosa

Cecilia De La Rosa

A worker measuring the wood

Across the country, nothing is standardized when it comes to construction. Some states have said the construction industry is essential and in other states, it has been completely shut down. Rules about how to do social distancing and still do your job can be confusing. We’re going to provide you with some ideas of how you can incorporate best practices into your business and ensure that you’re meeting, or exceeding, the rules in your state if you’re still working. While it may slow down your job some or feel inconvenient at times, these are some best practices to follow. Here we go…

A worker measuring the wood
  • Workers should be following safe social distancing measures. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says minimum safe distances between people is no less than six feet apart. Unless needed or required for safety purposes, workers should work in isolation. Ensure plenty of space for lunch to ensure social distancing as well. Also, workers should maintain separation from the public at all times.
  • Wear a mask. You will at times have to be close to your co-workers on the jobsite. For example, if you’re putting in a window frame in you probably can’t do it on your own.
  • Stagger start times and shifts so that there is a minimal but right-sized work crew.
  • Before each shift, check the temperature of each worker and hire qualified people to ask health questions. If anyone has a temperature they should go home immediately.
  • Keep hand sanitizer nearby and use every 15 minutes or as early as possible. The alcohol volume of sanitizer should be at least 60% alcohol.
  • Schedule time each day that is dedicated to cleaning and sanitizing the worksite.
  • Provide wipes and paper towels to disinfect tools and other surfaces. Sharing of tools without decontaminating must be prohibited at all times.

A pandemic-ready job site ought to be safer than going to the grocery store. If it isn’t, it needs to be shut down and cleaned immediately. If officials believe that that construction crews are maintaining social distancing or are not following good hygiene, they could shut construction down in their states. Be smart, wise, and especially safe. The nation is depending on construction workers to help keep the country moving forward.

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