EPA-RRP Refresher Certification

Class Available in English or Spanish Instructor: Cecilia De La Rosa

8:30 am to 12:30 pm

EPA Lead Renovators Refresher Course

This Lead Renovator RRP Initial Certification course is 4 hours in length and is intended for individuals who have previously completed the 8-hour RRP Lead Renovator Initial Certification Class & Workshop. This course is presented by an EPA approved provider, delivered by an experienced instructor, and concludes with an exam.

This RRP training is offered in both English and Spanish.

Why Should I Attend This Course?

While you were originally certified almost 5 years ago, the EPA feels it is beneficial to the industry and for the health of those affected to reinforce and update information at a regular interval. This course serves a reminder of the skills and knowledge necessary to work on lead paint projects. This 4-hour course is required to renew your individual certification.

Required Materials:

You MUST bring the following items with you:

  • Valid Photo ID
  • Your original Lead Renovator Certificate. The student must provide this upon request to verify eligibility. (It is the student’s responsibility to provide their initial certificate. If the student doesn’t have their certificate, they can request a copy from their trainer (if the student doesn’t know who their trainer was, they can contact OHA to look it up at 971-673-0440 or program@state.or.us).
  • Pen and notepad is helpful

All other materials will be provided at the time of instruction.

Class Syllabus:

Class Syllabus:
Course Registration and Introduction
Module 1: Regulations
Module 2: Testing for Lead-Based Paint
Module 3: Review of Setup Practices
Module 4: Review of Prohibited Practices, PPE, And Dust Control
Module 5: Cleaning Activities, and Checking Your Work
Module 6: Recordkeeping
Module 7
: Training of Non-Certified Renovators
Module 8: Training Non-Certified Renovation Workers Review
Test & Course Evaluation and Student Pictures