With the temperatures skyrocketing to mid-summer levels, employers need to know how to protect their workers from the effects of extreme heat. We all know that workers need to stay hydrated and take frequent breaks when it gets hot, but that’s not all. Employers need to limit the amount of time workers work in the heat until their body gets used to the higher temps. According to the OSHA website, almost half of heat-related deaths occur on a worker’s first day on the job, and over 70 percent of heat-related deaths occur during a worker’s first week.
Heat acclimatization needs to be done for new workers, workers returning after a vacation or leave, and for everyone when there is a sudden heat wave. Here’s what OSHA has to say about heat acclimatization and an employer’s duty to their workers:
For more information about working in hot weather and heat acclimatization, see OSHA’s website
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