Networking 101 For Contractors

Networking 101 for Contractors

Contractors in the office meeting

Does the word “networking” make you cringe? If you hate the thought of trying to make connections to improve your business, or don’t know where to start, we’ve put together a short guide to help make networking at events simpler and easier.

1. Know your audience

The first step to networking at an event is to know who will be there. There are three possible connections you’re looking for:

a. Potential customers – business or homeowners, developers, or other contractors

b. Team members – general contractors, subcontractors, or designers

c. Lead sources – realtors, property developers, those working in business development

2. Know the event

As mentioned above, you’ll want to know who will be at the event. Is it mostly potential customers, or other companies you might partner with on a project? While your goal is to connect with as many people as possible, the nature of those connections will depend on the role the contact plays.

You’ll also want to consider the purpose of the event (purely networking, industry education, charity event).  

3. Get to know people

Your goal for the event is to simply meet new people and learn as much about them as possible. Don’t worry about “selling” to them. You’ll be more relaxed and natural without the added pressure. Talk about everything other than business and find shared interests that can help you stand out from the rest of the people they’ll be meeting.

4. Exchange information

These days there are several ways to connect with your new contact exchange business cards, scan virtual cards, or connect on social media. Pick one or more that work best for you.

5. Follow up

This is the most important step in the networking process. You must follow up with each new contact you made after the event. Remind them of the shared interests you discovered or rehash a part of your conversation to jog their memory. Then, if its appropriate, take the next step in moving them down your sales funnel if it’s a potential customer, or begin discussing how you can work together if it’s a potential team member or lead source. Be sure to follow up with them at regular intervals so you stay at the top of their mind.

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