Lead Paint Work Practices Determination Worksheet – 10 ct. pad


Use This Form With The Property Owner To Confirm The Need To Follow Lead Safe Work Practices


The fact that your Lead Paint Test Results are postive doesn’t necessarily require you to set up containment.

The purpose of this Form:

1. Help you Determine if Containment is required.
2. Helps validate with the property owner why you must set up a containment and follow lead safe practices.

Even after providing the property owner a Renovate Right it can still be a difficult process to explain to the property owner why you need to charge for the Containment especially if they don’t have an understanding of the EPA rules. This form helps you determine based on certain qualifying criteria if you must follow lead safe work practices.

Filling out the Work Practices Determination Worksheet along with the property owner will help you engage them and have a better understanding as to why you may or may not need to set up and charge for a containment.