Tips For Developing A Safety Culture

May 31, 2017

Picture of Cecilia De La Rosa

Cecilia De La Rosa

Safety should be a top concern for every employer. It is even more important for companies with employees who work around heavy machinery. As part of your company’s dedication to safety, you should work towards creating a safety culture. These are the four key ways you can develop your own safety culture, so all of your employees work with safety in mind.

Evaluate your risks

You should take the time as a company to evaluate all of the potential risks you and your employees face. In order to create a safer work environment, you must determine what your risks are on a daily basis. You should not only look at things that have posed a risk in the past but you should also look to the future and plan for a risk before it becomes one.

Create a safety plan

After you have examined all of your risks, you need to develop a plan to deal with those risks and minimize them. During this time, you should still be cognizant of other potential risks. When developing your plan, make sure that your management team is on board with your plan and is committed to safety. You should also tackle your biggest risks first. To determine the biggest risks, you need to examine the severity and the frequency of the risk. From there, you can work to identify your solutions for these risks, as well as resources to help you along the way.

Implement your safety plan

Now that you have a plan you can work with, you will need to work on communication of the plan with all employees and management. This includes providing them with details, drills, practices, and even added training. In order for your plan to work, in case of a potential risk, everyone must know what their part is in implementing this plan.

Constantly evaluate and update the plan

Now that you have a plan in place, your job is not done. Your potential risks will constantly change and you will want to make sure you always have a solution when facing these risks. This means it is important to evaluate the plan and update it as needed. This also means you should test it regularly, to ensure that the plan still works. Collect feedback from your employees during this process to determine what the impact is, and if new risks have been identified. Make adjustments as necessary. Use these tips to help you create a safety culture that everyone can be a part of. Remember that it is important to constantly monitor and address new risks as they emerge. Follow these suggestions to promote your culture of safe practices and habits.