5 Ways To Attract Younger Workers

5 Ways to Attract Younger Workers

Three construction workers on mission

If you’re looking to attract millennials and other younger generation workers, here are some ways to reach them and make your company attractive to them:

1. Get online

If you don’t already have a website and social media accounts, you need to develop an online presence. This is the only way younger workers will find you. Post about your work, describe what you do, and the projects you’re working on. Show pride in your work and talk about the challenges. Also, if you have a job opening, post it online. Put it on your website and on job boards like Indeed.

2. Embrace technology

If you’re still using old technology to manage projects and create estimates, younger workers won’t understand why you don’t use the latest and greatest in tech. Technology often saves both time and money, and younger workers are very comfortable with it. Construction management software has come a long way, is affordable, and can now be run from mobile devices. Or look at using drones or smart devices in your operations and hire someone younger to implement them.

3. Offer mentorship and training

Participate in local apprenticeship or mentorship programs to help develop younger workers. If there are no organized programs in your area or for your trade, develop your own. Provide training in both hard and soft skills that workers need in the industry. Provide an opportunity for advancement for young workers, so they can see the possibilities.

4. Have a fair compensation package

With minimum wages of $12.75 in Oregon and $13.69 in Washington, $15 an hour isn’t that much anymore. Make sure your wages reflect a realistic cost of living. Also, adding benefits to the package helps provide incentives for young people. Research how much workers in a similar job are earning and bring your wages into line with the average.

5. Develop your company culture

Millennials are looking for companies that accept diversity and are open to feedback, even from their newest recruits. Develop a culture that listens to and accepts everyone. Harassment, hazing, and other mistreatment should not be tolerated.

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